More details about this project are available at our capstone project's webpage.
As a combined internship and capstone project, myself and a team of 3 other developers worked on developing an Android app for a local nonprofit named Welcomed Here to allow their users to review how well a location meets the needs of those with disabilities or other challenges, and allow others with the same challenges to search for locations that meet those needs best.
First Semester
We started from a feasibility assessment, then our team gathered requirements from Welcomed Here for this solution to meet. I then led the team in converting these operational requirements into detailed specifications that we could use in development.
After gathering the requirements, we took a 3-week sprint to develop a demo of the app, in which I was able to help the team leverage the Google Maps API to reduce the amount of data we need to retain about a business, greatly reducing the scope of the project as we only needed to store its Google Maps ID rather than store its name, address, and category. This demo evolved into becoming the core location searching functionality.
Second Semester
We then took a break between terms, during which time I designed an entity-relation model and a relational schema for us to use to implement the database for our reviewing system. We then proceeded to flesh out the client and develop the backend portion of the application. This backend would take in serialized forms of the client's information storage classes, store or retreive the information from the database, and return the result to the user.